Yesterday I received a very happy e-mail at work. "Good News! Your room is ready, please visit the housing desk to receive your key." They closed in just a half hour after they sent the e-mail so I sprang from my desk and told my NCO I got a room and had to use the truck to move my stuff. Before he would answer me, I was running out the door.
Now, the Army loves bureaucracy and they didn't skimp on it one bit with moving from a cubicle to an actual room. I showed up at the housing desk where the cubicle I've been living in for the last two week was. Before they would let me sign out I had to get all of my stuff out. I ran upstairs and quickly packed my belongings, bedsheets, blankets, pillows, backpack, plastic bag of random stuff I accumulated since I got here and two large duffel bags (One weighing about 75 pounds). I waddled down the stairs with everything and put it in my truck. I walked back in and filled out the paperwork necessary to get me the heck out of that cramped living situation. They gave me an inventory of everything in the room I was going to be living in, a welcome packet with rules about living in the new place and more randoms I had to sign off on. Once that was complete I was told to go to the housing office in the new building to get my key and do a room inspection.
I drove to the new building and found the office and we took a look at my room. I was quite impressed. I have my own pillowtop mattress on top of a frame that has pull out drawers for storage, an oak closet, desk, chair, lamp, fridge and TV (cable)! Wow! The fridge is shared, but it's plenty big for two people. I have a roomate, but our room is separated by the two large oak closets for privacy. Everything in the room wasn't damaged and I checked everything off on the list claiming responsibility if anything happened to the things in my side of the room. I was directed to go to the key room to get my key. I was confused because I got a key to the closet in my room...not the room itself. I was told I had to go BACK to my old housing office to get the key to my room here. REALLY!? So, still having everything in the truck I drove back to my old barracks and waited until someone showed me to the key room there.
Anyone ever play the Atari game Adventure? You are this square walking around a blocky square world and the object is to find keys that open castles. Bats that look like flying letter "Xs" fly down and take your stuff and bring it to other places in this world and you are always left trying to find things and feeling really lost...if you are REALLY unlucky dragons will eat you! (see below) I think of that a lot when I am trying to accomplish things in the army.
At least no dragons eat me in this world haha.
ANYWAYS, I waited around and the key dude finally came in and in horrible english explained to me that if I lose the key I could pay anywhere between $10 and $50 depending on how badly I "lost" it? So, I guess he just makes it up as he goes, I've never heard of something being more lost than something else that is already lost. I got my key and drove all the way back to my new housing and took two trips to get everything in the room. Then I had to drive the truck back to my office parking spot, fill out the travel form for using the truck and return the binder to my office. After it was all done it was almost 1800 and I wanted dinner.
I had to be up at 0400 the next morning because I had to do ammo detail at the range (more on that later) and I hadn't gotten any of my protective gear ready and unpacked. My roomate works nights and he was asleep when I got back from dinner. I was polite and waited all the way until 2000 to start going through everything. It took me a good hour to get settled and ready for the next day and my roomate never even woke up!
I just have to say that it feels so nice to feel like I'm in a normal living space again. Kind of college-y but it's the first time since I've gotten here that I've felt that I can really relax. I watch the Al-Jazeera network for news. I don't know why but I kind of fell like a traitor or something. Like I should be watching CNN. I don't know.
As far as the questions post, I haven't forgotten about anyone, I've just only received 4 questions and I don't think I could make a very entertaining post out of that. Keep em' coming.
Now, the Army loves bureaucracy and they didn't skimp on it one bit with moving from a cubicle to an actual room. I showed up at the housing desk where the cubicle I've been living in for the last two week was. Before they would let me sign out I had to get all of my stuff out. I ran upstairs and quickly packed my belongings, bedsheets, blankets, pillows, backpack, plastic bag of random stuff I accumulated since I got here and two large duffel bags (One weighing about 75 pounds). I waddled down the stairs with everything and put it in my truck. I walked back in and filled out the paperwork necessary to get me the heck out of that cramped living situation. They gave me an inventory of everything in the room I was going to be living in, a welcome packet with rules about living in the new place and more randoms I had to sign off on. Once that was complete I was told to go to the housing office in the new building to get my key and do a room inspection.
I drove to the new building and found the office and we took a look at my room. I was quite impressed. I have my own pillowtop mattress on top of a frame that has pull out drawers for storage, an oak closet, desk, chair, lamp, fridge and TV (cable)! Wow! The fridge is shared, but it's plenty big for two people. I have a roomate, but our room is separated by the two large oak closets for privacy. Everything in the room wasn't damaged and I checked everything off on the list claiming responsibility if anything happened to the things in my side of the room. I was directed to go to the key room to get my key. I was confused because I got a key to the closet in my room...not the room itself. I was told I had to go BACK to my old housing office to get the key to my room here. REALLY!? So, still having everything in the truck I drove back to my old barracks and waited until someone showed me to the key room there.
Anyone ever play the Atari game Adventure? You are this square walking around a blocky square world and the object is to find keys that open castles. Bats that look like flying letter "Xs" fly down and take your stuff and bring it to other places in this world and you are always left trying to find things and feeling really lost...if you are REALLY unlucky dragons will eat you! (see below) I think of that a lot when I am trying to accomplish things in the army.
At least no dragons eat me in this world haha.
ANYWAYS, I waited around and the key dude finally came in and in horrible english explained to me that if I lose the key I could pay anywhere between $10 and $50 depending on how badly I "lost" it? So, I guess he just makes it up as he goes, I've never heard of something being more lost than something else that is already lost. I got my key and drove all the way back to my new housing and took two trips to get everything in the room. Then I had to drive the truck back to my office parking spot, fill out the travel form for using the truck and return the binder to my office. After it was all done it was almost 1800 and I wanted dinner.
I had to be up at 0400 the next morning because I had to do ammo detail at the range (more on that later) and I hadn't gotten any of my protective gear ready and unpacked. My roomate works nights and he was asleep when I got back from dinner. I was polite and waited all the way until 2000 to start going through everything. It took me a good hour to get settled and ready for the next day and my roomate never even woke up!
I just have to say that it feels so nice to feel like I'm in a normal living space again. Kind of college-y but it's the first time since I've gotten here that I've felt that I can really relax. I watch the Al-Jazeera network for news. I don't know why but I kind of fell like a traitor or something. Like I should be watching CNN. I don't know.
As far as the questions post, I haven't forgotten about anyone, I've just only received 4 questions and I don't think I could make a very entertaining post out of that. Keep em' coming.
1 comment:
How far now from your room to your office?
--dad again
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