Saturday, February 5, 2011


I want to take a moment to talk about something completely non-Army related. This morning I was enjoying my omelet and coffee at the DFAC while reading the Sunday Stars and Stripes newspaper. Now, anyone who follows me on facebook may have caught a comment I made about how happy I was that the newspaper here runs Calvin and Hobbes on Sundays. Now I am a die hard Calvin and Hobbes fan. I had ALL of their books when I was younger. (Wish I would have held on to that collection..) ANYWAYS, the Stars and Stripes runs another comic strip called "Frazz". It's about a 30-something guy who was in a band and recorded a few successful singles and has great personal wealth. While he was doing music he picked up a job as a school janitor to pay bills and after his success, keeps that job because he enjoys being with the children. Seems like an original idea right? Well, here is an example strip.

Notice a resemblance to a certain 8 year old with a stuffed tiger? I did some wikipedia-ing when I got back to my room and discovered this strip has been running since April of 2001.  He continuously fends off critics that say he is ripping off of Bill Watterson (creator of Calvin and Hobbes) and is trying to say he is writing his own original strip. He even references Calvin and Hobbes once and awhile IN his comic strips. I think the example I have is a good C&H reference, having his main character throwing snowballs joyously, (One of Calvin's favorite pastimes). The cartoonist also denies this being a sequel or extension of Calvin's life. I think this creates a nice resolution though. I could imagine Calvin finally getting his act together, finishing school and making it in the music industry to end up in a job, at an elementary school playing with other kids as an adult. My hat goes off to Jef Mallet for boldly starting a comic strip that, I think, is a continuation of Calvin's life. I will be getting more of these books so I can catch up from the beginning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm sure I've seen this in some newspaper or other. I agree it's a continuation of Calvin's life. Under a different identity. Witness Protection Program?